santa cruz n fat man

2004-09-10 6:57 p.m. - previous / next

YEAH!!! It's about time I update this diary, but I was waiting until a lot of stuff was going on. I just got back from a trip to Santa Cruz with Ian (hot man in the picture) We cruised up there wed. night to a nice hotel in Scotts Valley and decided to jump in the hot tub. Of coarse, nobody was in it until we walked down after putting on our swim shit. We walk up and to our dismay (we were planning on making out of coarse) there was a very VERY large old man in the hot tub, eyes closed, one hand under the water making weird moaning noises... I think he was whacking off... I dont know... I still have nightmares... Next morning we got up and headed to the beach, cooking our bodies. I basically look like a lobster in a white bikini... shitin irish blood in me and Ian has some cuban so he freakin tans. IAN I HATE YOU! hee hee... no no, I love you =) Ian is my soulie. Thanks for a great trip baby! :P

Anyways, Sac State is awesome, my professors are insane.... thank god... so Im entertained and learning a shit load. I LOVE SCHOOL. Went through phases, you love school eating paste and playing with play dough until it gets to learning about presidents and the ecosystem... then you like school when you get a little older and have sex ed and p.e. but then hate it when you have algebra in high school.... but college..... college is way great. Im doing things I never knew about like, shopping at the food co-op, going to listen to locan music and actually holding conversations with my Father about politics... I knew nothing about politics until now, by the way. PLEASE VOTE. Old people are voting and making the rules for us young people, so SPEAK UP and vote so we can get on some good issues rather than health care and social security!

Enough of my barf. I hope all of you (my friends, my fellow school zombies) are doing good, eating beyond mac and cheese or top ramen, and smoking a little herb every once in a while.

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